Love and Thunder

my goal is to have no spoilers but read on with caution if you have yet to see Thor: Love and Thunder

My wife and I celebrated our eleventh anniversary this weekend.

Part of our weekend included seeing Thor: Love and Thunder in IMAX (the full dome theater one).

As I have let my thoughts slow cook I can honestly say it is my favorite Marvel film to date.

I laughed and cried a great deal. I felt the balance of flavors was incredibly bold and heavy. It is a wild ride that takes into account a great deal of the history of the Thor story arc. It touches on so many heart strings for me. And the goats!

One of the chief requirements of a film making it into my ‘favorites’ files goes beyond the simple experience of the movie itself. There are a few major factors that come into play:

  1. Inspiration. The best movies in my world have me leaving with a sense of wonder in terms of what I can bring to the world. There is an artistry to a truly wonderful film that has me wondering how I can bring something as beautiful into existence. I struggle a lot with my own creativity and how I want it to be viewed along with how I even want to present it. But films like Thor: Love and Thunder act as sort of rekindling moment for my life and what I can do with it. While my present self takes in the film for what it is…the self that dwells on life, the universe, and everything chases dreams that take inspiration from the minds that have made the movie itself possible. So many talents have their fingerprints all over this film. It is like a five star restaurant opened up an all-you-can-eat buffet just for me (and, of course, anyone else willing to delve this deep into experiencing a film). Thor: Love and Thunder offered as much to me as the entirety of the Infinity Saga (don’t @ me, please). I left the theater feeling overwhelmed with joy after seeing this film. Inspiration at its finest.

  2. Hope. The world around us is quite terrible at times. This often feels out of our control. So, well rounded fulfillment leaves me very happy. Thor: Love and Thunder brought so much hope to my weary soul. There are so many details to this film that allow for peace to find refuge in my spirit. I cannot explain how every little detail throughout this film brought my soul to a place it has not been in some time. I have written here about how I have felt myself to be in a definite place of unknowing recently. That comes with a lot of struggle. I know many of us are in a place like that and many of you dear friends have much greater reason than I do to say that. So, my hope is that if you take the time to see Thor: Love and Thunder that you might also experience a brief reprieve from whatever weight you carry to find droughts of hope served wholeheartedly to you in this film.

  3. Wonder. This can often mingle with inspiration and hope but it is a little different to me. Wonder only comes to me with films that take me away from everything/everywhere I am so that I simply may be lost in the moment. I was deeply lost in the wonder of Thor: Love and Thunder. If you pay attention to my content you will see and hear me rattle on about “memes and dreams.” A meme is basically a joke and a dream is basically all we hope for in the realms of reality and impossibility. Thor: Love and Thunder is the complete and total package when it comes to this concept. It can hardly be called serious but it cannot be called silly…at least it cannot be called these things without also being called the other. It is a harmonious working of all things bright and beautiful in this world. It is a culmination of everything I hold dear. Live, ultimately, is nothing more than what we make of it. As I struggle through many big things I always try to push myself back to the idea of life being to short to be more than wonderful. Thor: Love and Thunder is simply wonderful to me.

If you take a chance to see Thor: Love and Thunder and find it is not quite what I hype it up to be…I hope you can find a similar experience elsewhere to what this film is to me. It is an inspiring tale of hope that brings wonder to my being.

*I will give some time for everyone to see it before I give a full spoiler take on the film. Hopefully this was vague enough to just get you to go see it with no expectations except the expectation to be blessed in knowing you get to go see a cool movie.


Memes and Dreams.


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Trudging through swamps. Clearing your mind.