Trudging through swamps. Clearing your mind.

I typed out a good multi page draft about Sabbath before realizing how exhausted I am from the events of this week.

I know this week has been full of some heavy burdens for a lot of us. Some of these are burdens that are bigger than us as individuals while some are more personal and close to home depending on each of our lives and stories.

The main thing is I have felt that weight. It might not all be the weight I bear but the energy has been ripe with a sense of anger, loss, grief, and trauma.

For those of you that this rings true to…I hope you can find space to breathe.

No matter where you find yourself I truly hope you can find a very intentional moment (at least a couple of hours) to simply be present with yourself and your need to rest.

Rest can be a very productive. Do you need a nap? Do you need a good night’s sleep? Do you need time to focus on a personal project? Do you need to simply stare at a wall or scream in to a pillow? Do you just need to eat an incredibly large meal for no more purpose other than to enjoy it? Do you need to stay up all night reading a book, playing a game, or catching up on a show? Then I hope you might find the ability to cast aside whatever you have burdening you and make room for that thing you need to give you true rest.

This week has brought a lot of heaviness for a lot of reasons.

I pray you find room for rest. Today, this week, and for the rest of your life.

Never give up on what you are chasing and never give up on this beautiful life we are given. There is room in it for joy and peace. You deserve it. It is the greatest gift the universe can give us.


Love and Thunder


Further down the river. When you crash against the shore and start again.